Extending Behavior with Hooks

You can extend dram to add special user-specific behavior with specially-named function hooks. To implement a hook, simply define a function with the hook’s name in your shell environment (for example, in .bashrc).


Set the shell prompt to include the name of the activated dram, upon activation:

function dram_hook_postactivate() {
    local dram_name=$1
    local dram_prefix=$2

    PS1="($local_dram_name) $PS1"

Deactivate a Python virtualenv before activating a dram, if one is currently active:

function deactivate_any_virtualenv () {
    type deactivate >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]

function dram_hook_preactivate () {
    local dram_name=$1
    local dram_prefix=$2


Available Hooks

Currently available hooks are:

dram_hook_preactivate: Called prior to activating a dram, with the name and path prefix of the dram.

dram_hook_postactivate: Called immediately after activating a drone, with the name and path prefix of the dram.