

Each new sandboxed environment is referred to as a dram.

The environment variable DRAM_ROOT is the root directory where all drams are kept. Each dram is a subdirectory.


Root privileges should generally not be necessary to install anything into a dram. Avoid the temptation to use sudo. You may wish to consider changing the ownership of your /usr/local directory to root in order to prevent any dram usage from “spilling” into the global environment.

Dram Types

  • Plain drams are intended for installing most open source “directly”, via a ./configure script or similar mechanism. They are not populated with any initial files or directories, but set up environment variables that will
  • Plain-with-python drams are the same as Plain drams with the addition of an integrated python virtual environment for the dram.
  • Homebrew drams populate an instance of Homebrew.
  • Macports drams populate an instance of MacPorts.

Command-Line Usage

Dram includes a command-line utility which is the expected entry point for most usage. Some examples are below. You can also see the utility itself for more info:

$ dram help

Creating a New Dram

This will create a new dram you can then install stuff into.:

$ dram create example

To create a dram of a particular type:

$ dram create -t macports example

When creating a dram of type plain-with-python you can also pass the -p and --system-site-packages flags and they will be passed through to the virtual environement when it is created for that dram.

Using The Dram

Creating a dram automatically switches to it, but if you want to switch to an already created dram:

$ dram use example

Note that if you have set the DRAM_AUTO_CDSOURCE environment variable, then dram will automatically switch to the source directory of the activated dram whenever you do dram use <dram name>

Dram includes wrappers around common build tools (autotools and cmake) to ease installing software into the dram.

Installing Software with CMake

As an example, let’s install libftdi from a source tarball.

First move into the source subdirectory, by convention:

$ dram cdsource

Download and extract the package here:

$ curl -O
$ tar -xvf libftdi1-1.5.tar.bz2
$ cd libftdi1-1.5

Invoke CMake using the dram wrapper:

$ dram cmake ..

Install normally, which will install into this dram’s directory structure:

$ make && make install

Install Software with Autotools

Install autotools-based software is similar. Here is a typical installation of liquid-sdr:

$ dram cdsource
$ git clone
$ cd liquid-dsp
$ ./
$ dram configure
$ make && make install

Listing Drams

List all the current drams in your root:

$ dram list

If the -l flag is passed to dram list, then the size of each dram on disk will be printed as well.

Destroying a Dram

Wipe out any traces of a current dram:

$ dram destroy example